Artificial Exuberance

The A.I. rush has been fascinating to watch. The promises are endless as many people have derived new rolls as ‘A.I.’ pushers. Linked In is full of people who will tell you how AI will revolutionize everything. And then they show some renderings of coca cola ads. Which is perfect because no one pays attention to those anymore anyway.

What A.I. will unleash is so much content, that everything will be less valuable and easier to ignore. Imagine 10 feature films released every day, and 22 new TV style series and literally 62 million posts. And consumers and viewers we will be overwhelmed and will not care about any of it, at least not in numbers that allow anything to be ‘monotized’.

So the saturation will kill consumer interest and create impossible barriers to finding an audience.

Meanwhile this endless ‘content’ that is mostly meaningless and of questionable quality (in the big sense) and is divorced from human ingenuity will wash up like plastic bits on a beach. Maybe it started as something useful, but now it is literally garbage. It might look good, (professional seems to be the obsession, whatever that implies) look interesting and may attract a few seconds of someones attention here and there. But what most will be left with is a stomach of air as if eating imaginary food.

I have no doubt it will be part of many pipelines and marketing development and it will all be just more screaming into the wind tunnel. The very thing they many of the proponents of AI in the creative space want, cheap ability to create content, will make it all ever more meaningless.

I don’t want to be this negative. I’m not a tech doubter, but I suspect none of the proponents have looked at what will be left after every person in the developed world can post endless content. Away from the political ramifications and the economic ones, all content will be less meaningful. And maybe that’s okay. Maybe it’s all part of the endgame.


And now I sing the praises…