What’s a Crit. Group?

I’ve been in a kid’s lit focused critique group for over 25 years . We now ‘meet’ online once a month (members spread across the country) and it’s very helpful and meaningful. 6 or 7 of us get together, share our work, give notes on projects and let each other know where we are in our work, and our thoughts on the profession of authoring and illustrating for kids.

But I miss meeting in person. So I am starting a Crit. Group at the West Linn Library once a month, on a Saturday. I have no idea if anyone will sign up, but I hope 6-8 people will be interested in creating kid’s lit (focus on picture books, graphic novels) who can act as beta readers for one another, share feedback and encourage one another to meet self imposed deadlines on projects that no one else knows or cares about. Writing and drawing can be overwhelmingly solitary acts. I love that about what I do, but I also look for motivation and new ideas from my fellow creators. We will follow a set of Crit. protocols cribbed from other experiences and from the SCBWI. If you know of anyone who might be interested, send them to the West Linn Library page for more info.

Community is key in these times.

Kid’s Lit Info Page at the West Linn Public Library.


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